11月9日上午,台北市福华大飯店福华厅,主席台背景展现 "海外客家2012社团负责人谘询会议" 字样,"好客台湾 .世界新都" 的口号语录鲜明醒目。
台湾总统马英九先生主持开幕典礼. 他说:"来到客家人盛会,有回家的感觉,这是因为自己就是客家人,而不是客人!"
Our Association was invited by the Hakka Affairs Council of the Taiwan Government to attend The Overseas Hakka Community Leaders Advisory meeting in Taipei, which was held from 8th to 11th November 2012.
Our Committee member Xiao Ye and wife represented our Association to attend the meeting which was opened by the President of the Republic of China (Taiwan) Mr Ma Yin Jiu, who is also a Hakka.
Honorary Chairman of the ruling Nationalist Party and the Taiwan United Hakka Associations President Mr Ng Bak Hiung with Xiao Ye and his Mrs.
11月9日上午,台北市福华大飯店福华厅,主席台背景展现 "海外客家2012社团负责人谘询会议" 字样,"好客台湾 .世界新都" 的口号语录鲜明醒目。 The Advisory Meeting of the Overseas Hakka Community Leaders in progress. |