
03 December 2013

4th Anniversary Celebrations Gathering 庆祝公会成立四周年联欢聚餐

171 members and guests gathered on 1 December 2013 at Serai Dining in Bibra Lake, WA, to celebrate the Association's 4th Anniversary of coming into being.

为庆祝西澳客家公会成立4周年纪念, 171会员和贵宾们于2013121日在Serai Dining聚餐庆祝。
The actual date of registration of the Association is 9 June 2009. On 12 June 2009, the day the Certificate was received, all the existing members at that time had a Formation Meeting. The first Annual general meeting was held on 31 October 2009.
So, HakkaWA is actually about to 4 1/2 years of age. The 5th Anniversary should be celebrated in June 2014 if possible.

A big Thank You to Lily Kong-Yit and Alan Yit for heading the Organising Committee.

Dr Jeffrey Tee did another fantastic job being the MC for the night. Thank you, Doc!

BIG THANKS also to our  SPONSORS of raffle draws prizes:

Vivien Qian, Norman & Annie Chia, Anna Zhang, Mr & Mrs Kwan Soehartono, Irene & Ivan Ho, 
James & Anita Chong, Francis & Agnes Yapp, Dr Jeffrey Tee, Alan & Lily Yit

Deputy Consul-General of PRC Mr LIU Yu Tong giving a speech 中国驻珀斯副总领事刘禹同致词

Luong sifu performing the martial arts from Yarn Yee Tong 仁义堂的梁师父表演功夫

Anniversary Cake

Karaoke singing 爱拼才会赢

Dr Jeff Tee feeding the Lion

Lucille & Jackson. See, so much food. Can't finish!

Jackson, Lucille & family

Edward Kuh & family

29 November 2013

Global Hakka Conference 2013 全球客家恳亲大会

President of HakkaWA attended the 2013 Global Hakka Conference, Taipei 19-22 November 2013 2013 全球客家恳亲大会

Welcoming Signboard

Minister, Huang, Yu-Cheng – Hakka Affairs Council

President of the Republic of China (Taiwan) Mr Ma Jin Jiu, speaking in Hakka at the conference. He is a Hakka and he proudly pronounced it so, at the conference.


Hakka traditional house 

Han Yu Hakka temple

Map showing Hakka Migration to Taiwan

I love Hakka. We can make t-shirts with “I love Hakka Australia” or "I Love HakkaWA"

19 September 2013

The 26th World Hakka Conference in Jakarta 雅加达第26届世界客家恳亲大会

15 delegates represented the Association to attend the 26th World Hakka Conference in Jakarta Indonesia from 9 - 11 September 2013.

15 名代表参加了于9月9日至11日在印尼雅加达召开的第26届世界客家恳亲大会。

The following is a report by one of our delegates Ms Anita Chong:

The 26 World Hakka Conference 9-11 September 2013

Fifteen members of the WA Hakka Association joined over 6,000 delegates from all over the world to attend the 26th World Hakka Conference in Jakarta. Dato' Tet K Yong, facilitator and organiser, was joined by Datin Lilly Yong, Norman & Annie Chia; Agnes & Francis Yapp; Lily & Alan Yit; Zhang Xiaoting & Anna Zhang; Qian Guiyuan & Yunkai; Anita & James Chong and Joseph Lee Xiaoye. Hakka people from as far afield as Canada gathered to showcase Hakka solidarity, success and culture.

The theme of the conference was 同谋同创 客家福社,社会繁荣 ( Unite to create Hakka welfare and a prosperous society) These annual conferences provide a venue for Hakka people to meet and work towards a united Hakka community.

The conference commenced with a welcome dinner on Monday 9 September followed by a grand opening ceremony the following evening at the Jakarta International Expo Centre. It was attended by, among many prominent Hakka Indonesians , the Vice President of Indonesia, Boediono, who was a UWA graduate. Delegates were entertained by top class performances showcasing Indonesian songs & dances. Guests came away with a local musical instrument, the Angklung. The large audience joined in to play two Famous Teresa Deng tunes with the Angklungs.

A display of Hakka songs and Chinese traditional dances was the theme for the closing ceremony the next day. The ceremony included the handing over of the world Hakka flag to representatives from Kai Feng, the 2014 hosting city. The council also announced Xin Zhu (Hsinchu 新竹) in Taiwan as the 2015 host.

During the two days, while delegates went sightseeing around Jakarta, Heads of Hakka Associations met to format reports, discussed Hakka related issues and made plans for future conferences.

After the conference, delegates visited various places in Indonesia. The WA group flew to Yogyakarta and visited famous sights, the Canti(ancient Hindu Temple), Borobudur, 9th Century Buddhist Temple and the Kraton Complex, the Sultan's Palace. They also attended a reception hosted by the Yogyakarta Hakka Association.

For some of us, it was the first such conference attended. It made one feel proud of the Hakka heritage, it's uniqueness, culture and language.

On all counts, the conference was a success, drawing Hakka people from around the world to one place to celebrate their heritage.

 Day 1: Sunday 8 Sept 2013  Perth - Jakarta

Arrived Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta Airport

Having a midnight snack near the Redtop Hotel where we were put up after arriving in Jakarta. Pork satay, anyone?

Day 2: Monday 9 September 2013   Jakarta free day.   Welcoming Dinner

Stage backdrop at the Welcoming Dinner for the Heads of Delegates

The Welcoming Dinner for Group Leaders held at a separate venue

Our Delegates at the Welcoming Dinner

More of our delegates at the Welcoming Dinner

Senior Vice President Lily Kong-Yit receiving a souvenir from Hakka Indonesia, the Organisers of the 16th World Hakka Conference

Heads of delegates after receiving their souvenirs

Lily Kong-Yit proudly shows off the plaque commemorating the 26th World Hakka Conference, with Assistant Treasurer Alan Yit and Committee Member Annie Wong

With other delegates

Group photo taken at the Welcoming Dinner
Mr & Mrs Yapp

Mr & Mrs Zhang
Mr & Mrs Chong

Mr & Mrs Chia

This is the group of 13 delegates at the main Welcoming Dinner. 

Day 3: Tuesday 10 September 2013  Organised Tours   Opening Ceremony

Lovely couples

Day 4: Wednesday 11 September 2013   Organised Local Tours   Closing Ceremony

A Hakka word, meaning 'I', pronounced "ngai". This word is unique to the Hakka language. No other Chinese dialect group say 'I' this way

This is a powerful Indonesian Hakka, as he calls himself and very proud of it: 熊德龙。Much admired!

Day 5: Thursday 12 September 2013   Jakarta - Jogjakarta Side Tour

Day 6: Friday 13 September 2013  Jogjakarta Side Tour

Day 7: Saturday 14 September 2013  Jogjakarta - Jakarta

Day 8: Sunday 15 September 2013  Jakarta - Perth

Leaving Jakarta airport for Perth

Flying home