
30 June 2013

Penang Durian 2.0 + Southern Thailand Tour 槟 城 榴 莲2.0 + 南 泰 国 之 旅

This year's Penang Durian Tour 2.0 + Hatyai, Southern Thailand, & Ipoh between 21st and 27 June 2013 was very successfully organised by Ms Lily Kong-Yit and Mr Alan Yit.
A total of 18 members and friends participated and had a really good time:- Ms Lily Kong-Yit, Mr Alan Yit, Mr Francis Yapp & Ms Agnes Chow, Norman Chia & Annie Wong,  Mr & Mrs Kwan, Mr Michael Cheah & Mrs Anne Cheah, Helen & Wally, Dr Jeffrey Tee, Keith Yong, Mr Ivan Ho & Ms Irene Lee, and Dato' Yong & Datin Lilly.
今年的槟城榴莲2.0 + 南泰国之旅我们在槟城住上了2晚后,空调旅游车北上南泰的合艾和宋卡游玩,在合艾住了2晚,然后返回大马怡保 1 天才到回槟城过1夜,第二天早上从槟城经过吉隆坡散队。
21 June Fri: Converge in Penang. 在槟城集合。
22 June Sat: Penang. 在槟城游玩。
23 June Sun: Penang – Hat Yai. 槟城 – 合艾。
24 June Mon: Hat Yai. 合艾宋卡游玩。
25 June Tues: Hat Yai – Ipoh. 合艾 - 怡保。

26 June Wed: Ipoh - Penang. 怡保 – 槟城

Day 1 Friday 21 June: Penang - 1st round of durian tasting at the Durian Fest at Penang Times Square:

Eating durian, as well as chempadak, mangosteen and rambutan


"How do you eat this stuff?"

Day 2 Saturday 22 June: Penang:

Kek Lok Si Guanyin statue

Have some Penang hawker food for breakfast first before the tour starts for the day

At the hawker food centre

Owner of the nutmeg place, Mr Chang, a Hakka, explaining the nutmeg processing procedures

Durian fruits hanging from the trees all over the place

"Eat all you can" durian buffet

Queuing up for a taste of the famous Penang cendol

How does it taste?

This is the famous cendol! Not much to look at, but heaven to taste!

Wally said it was good? Mr Kwan was concentrating in the savouring

Dinner at a Hakka restaurant in Penang

This Hakka duck was the only dish worth writing home about, at this restaurant

Day 3 Sunday 23 June: Penang - Hatyai:

On the ferry from Penang Island to Mainland Malaya

Cars and people on the ferry in one go

Not dance group members for nothing! Lily Kong Yit seems to be dancing in the street!

Not karaoke group members for nothing! Dr Jeff Tee singing karaoke in Thailand

Day 4, 5 & 6:  Hatyai, Ipoh & Penang:

By the river side

Legend has it that rubbing this Buddha statue's stomach may result in being awarded a child. Some members might have tried it and it might have actually worked!

This is called pakis 马来菜

Musang King is the best durian variety in the opinion of some. 

This round of durian tasting in Ipoh was reportedly the best round


The ferry

More durian yet!

You just have to look at the expression on their faces to know that the taste was heavenly!
Well, until next time!

Update 12 July 2013: 
Additional photos submitted for blogging follows:

Nutmeg factory owner explaining

Chendol time!

Karaoke in Hatyai. Lily performing.

Annie & Agnes

Musang King 猫山王

Order more food!

Ending the Penang Durian Tour 2.0 - Anyone volunteering to organise the Durian Tour 3.0?
At the KL International Airport leaving Malaysia for the Dongguan Lychee Tour
(The Lychee Tour blog will be next)